Recap of our AMA with Spume!

Redux Protocol
5 min readAug 5, 2022


Below is a recap of our AMA with Jeff Juker from Spume! We had a great chat and learned a ton about this promising project!

Julian Alexander

Hi Everyone! I want to introduce @Jeff_Juker_Spume from Spume. Jeff is the Community Relations Manager and is going to hang out with us for a bit and answer some questions pertaining to the IDO coming up on August 6th!

Thanks for being here @Jeff_Juker_Spume

Jeff Juker

Thank you for having me, look forward to sharing about our project!

Julian Alexander

First, can you give us a brief intro on yourself and your role with Spume, and could you share with the community you background in the blockchain space?

Jeff Juker

Yes of course. As Julian mentioned before, my name is Jeff Juker, Chief Relations Officer here at Spume. I oversee our community outreach and communications, as well as a lot of general operational and managerial tasks. We have had the whole team running on overtime, so a lot of our departments have been relying on each other recently. I have been involved in blockchain since about 2017, working very closely on several projects with our CEO and CTO Beauregard Moody and Silas Marvin.

Julian Alexander

Awesome! Speaking of the team, how many team members are currently with Spume? What’s the breakdown between different departments like?

Jeff Juker

We have a pretty large team for a young company, about 22 members in total, but as far as a full time team we currently have 12 people. 5 in development/technology, 3 in marketing, 2 in admin, and 2 in management.

Julian Alexander

Nice! It’s always great to have a mix of different talents onboard

Now down to the good stuff, can you give us an overview of the Spume project and its core components, also what will the token utility of $spume be?

Jeff Juker,

So as far as token utility goes, this was a very important topic for us. We very specifically did not want to make a token just to make a token. A brief overview without too much complexity is as follows: The SPUME token is an ERC-20-enabled utility token that powers the Spume ecosystem collectively. Primarily the token will be used to engage with the Spume Marketplace, however, there will be built-in utilities available for those looking to directly make use of the Spume Protocol Revenue Sharing Holders of the SPUME Token will have all marketplace revenue in the form of 0–5% of transaction fees be distributed to them prorated to how many tokens they hold Staking Users that stake SPUME will have a chance to earn additional tokens via the given APY while also becoming eligible to vote on platform features through the Spume voting portal Ecosystem-Wide Fee Discount Fees paid with SPUME across any partner platform including the Spume Marketplace, will be eligible for a discount based on the number of tokens held within a user wallet. Spume DAO SPUME will power the Spume DAO which will be the governing body that will facilitate all Spume Protocol, Marketplace, and all Partner Platform development/ operation beyond 2022 External Vendor Incentives Fees and/or subscriptions paid by NFT projects, advertising partners, brands using the drag n drop NFT storefront creator in SPUME will be eligible for price discounts along with getting exclusive access to Spume Analytics.

And to begin to touch on the project itself, we can break down a few main components of the protocol for now. The Spume protocol will house several dapps: NFT Art Marketplace, NFT music studio with royalties and licensing NFT ticketing for events and concerts, and more. Each one of these dApps will charge transaction fees from 0.5–5%. This transaction revenue will be disbursed equally amongst staked Spume tokens.

Julian Alexander

GREAT answer. I always love diving into the utility of tokens, and it’s nice when teams put that kind of thought into utility as opposed to, like you said, just making a token for the sake of making a token.

You guy raised just over 4 million in private fundraising (congrats by the way, that’s no small feat, especially in this market.) I’m curious how will your VC backers help the project long-term? Can you share some of the firms you’ve partnered with?

Jeff Juker

Of course! We strategically sought out a number of VC’s to each help us in different ways as opposed to just funding. Whether this is Vardo Entertainment and their connections in the music industry, or our flagship VC, Acacia Digital Holding and their vast connections with exchanges etc.. everyone was chosen for a reason. Here is a list of our current VC backers for the project. Decentralized Global, Acacia Digital Holdings, Crescent City Capital, Coin Capital, Vardo Entertainment, Imperial Capital, Midas Capital, Zidell Companies, and On Mark Financial.

Julian Alexander

What are some of the key milestones Spume has achieved, and what are you most personally excited for on the roadmap for 22/23

Jeff Juker

The beginning quarters of 2022 represented a lot of stepping stones for Spume, with the creation of our token, whitepaper, technical paper, and private round. These steps really helped push us to stay on track for our Q3 goals, the public sale/ IDO round, and testnet release being completed/ in the works thus far. For the remainder of Q3 we will be releasing the fully functional NFT Art Marketplace mainnet, and continue with our CEX and DEX listings following the public sale, in just a couple of weeks! Q4 will bring our NFT real estate testnet, and our licensing and royalties testnet. Q1 2023 will showcase our NFT ticketing testnet, Spume DAO release, and hopefully mainnet launches of previously stated testnets.

I am most excited to see all of our Dapp ideas come to fruition in the next 6 months.

Julian Alexander

Awesome sounds like you all have a ton of awesome things coming up for the rest of this year and beyond 🔥

Okay, last one!

There are so many projects in crypto nowadays, what is your elevator pitch to those who may have just found Spume and are interested in getting involved, why should they invest?

Jeff Juker

Here it goes. The Spume Protocol is an end-to-end transactional layer that facilitates payment infrastructure for physical and digital non-fungible token assets on the Ethereum blockchain. The Spume Marketplace is the first D’app to be built on the Spume Protocol. The marketplace allows for the tokenization of off-chain, real world assets like real estate NFTs, and digital licensing. The Spume protocol will allow businesses and brands to issue branded NFTs via their native websites or through the Spume marketplace itself. The Spume marketplace will act as both an issuer and an aggregator for all NFTs issued via the protocol. None of our competitors are building NFT infrastructure that can penetrate multiple industries. Beyond the technological structuring of the protocol, the revenue sharing and truly democratic DAO for token holders, make Spume in essence one of the coolest and most inclusive blockchain projects I have ever seen, I may be biased though.

Thanks to everyone who participated yesterday!

